Health Promotion/Disease Prevention HPDP5

To assess a patient clinically, in OPD and elsewhere, in particular to:




Learning Outcome

  • Inform patients of risk to general health in light of ocular diagnosis and take appropriate action.
  • Advise on systemic side effects when commencing treatment for ocular disease.
  • Provide lifestyle advice where appropriate, e.g. smoking cessation, alcohol reduction.


CbD Part 2 FRCOphth 


Target Year of Achievement

Year 7

Related Learning Outcomes

AER3 PM12 


  • Always take opportunities to educate patients to enable them to maintain health and reduce risks of ophthalmic and systemic diseases.
  • Understand systemic risk factors associated with ophthalmic diseases.
  • Give advice on risk reduction strategies pursued in general practice e.g. hypertension, cholesterol, weight control, exercise, etc.
  • Be aware of smoking cessation services in hospital and in community and how to access these programmes.
  • Understand the risks of environmental factors such as chemical containment on ocular health (both community and individual) and how they can be mitigated.
  • Prescribe medication, especially steroids, appropriately and safely.
  • Have a detailed knowledge of the risk of osteoporosis with steroids and how this can be minimised.


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