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Capacity and Demand

RCOphth’s Three Step Plan offers solutions to address overwhelmed hospital eye services

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists is the professional body for ophthalmologists and is responsible for creating and maintaining standards in ophthalmic training and practice to provide safe and effective treatment and management of eye diseases and conditions. The RCOphth’s Three Step Plan focuses on three areas to address the challenges facing overwhelmed hospital eye services. Collect

Macular Society comment on NHS eye health services capacity and demand issues

The Macular Society comment on the increasing demand on hospital eye services and the risk for patients. Delays in eye clinics cause sight loss. Wet AMD drugs target the abnormal blood vessels that grow in the retina. The drugs have to be given promptly because they work best on new, immature blood vessels. Once the blood

Increasing demand on hospital eye services risks patients losing vision

Our President, Professor Carrie MacEwen appeared on BBC Breakfast TV on 16 March 2016 to discuss capacity and demand issues with eye services in the NHS. She has authored the below article for the BBC’s Scrubbing Up. Eyesight is the one sense people fear losing the most.  Many eye diseases which cause sight loss are