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Call to Action – Improving Eye Health and Reducing Sight Loss Response

12 September 2014

In the responses, we outline our recommendations to meet the needs of the patients with visual impairment through better and more efficient hospital eye services, a call for clinical data and research to help optimise resources, clinical expertise and funding to ensure all patients being seen for the first time or being followed up for acute and chronic eye conditions are seen by the right eye care professional, in the right location and at the right time. This should be facilitated by IT links between primary care, hospitals and community services.

This is a unique opportunity to change the way ophthalmic services are delivered in hospitals or the community. We urge all key decision makers in the health sector to take up the recommendations made in this response and to maximise the expertise of ophthalmologists, supported by allied professionals, for the benefit of patients’ safety and quality of life.



RCOphth CALL TO ACTION Summary 101114