Regional Representatives to Council election results
18 March 2016
Regional Representatives to Council hold office for three years, renewable once and take up office at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) which is held at Congress in May. Following the recent round of elections for Regional Representative to Council the nominations were as follows:-
Name | Region | Result |
Jonathan EASON | South West Thames | Nominated Unopposed |
Alexander FOSS | Trent | Ballot |
Mohit GUPTA | Trent | Ballot |
Satish KOTTA | Trent | Ballot |
Stephen KAYE | Mersey | Nominated Unopposed |
Christopher LIU | South East Thames | Nominated Unopposed |
Hunter MACLEAN | Wessex | Nominated Unopposed |
David MANSFIELD | Scotland West | Nominated Unopposed |
VACANT | Wales | Nominees Requested |
Those nominated unopposed were duly elected.
A ballot was held for the Trent Regional Representative post and Mohit Gupta was duly elected.
No nominations were received for Wales, and another call for nominations has been issued.
Please contact the Honorary Secretary or Membership if you have any questions about these or future elections.