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Dan Gore reviews Eye & vision Research master class seminar

9 March 2016

This one-day seminar, chaired by Professor Faruque Ghanchi, provided an excellent opportunity for delegates to learn from experienced researchers about how to get involved with industry-sponsored clinical studies.

We heard from a wide range of speakers including principle investigators, clinical research network (CRN) managers and a research team lead from Novartis. In total 13 talks covering the sweeping overview of how NIHR CRNs are facilitating increasing patient recruitment in the UK, streamlined budget planning, and the increasing importance of patient & public involvement. It was encouraging to hear personal experience from clinicians of the advantages of getting involved in these studies, promoting the knock-on benefits to NHS care – even patients in the control arm seem to do better! A general highlight of the day was how much the delegates participated – there was a wealth of experience within the audience, and it made for a much richer discussion through the day.

Dan Gore, Honorary Consultant Ophthalmologist, Moorfields Eye Hospital