Competency Framework
Carrie MacEwen, on behalf of the RCOphth, has been working with the College of Optometrists (CoO), Royal College of Nursing (RCN), British and Irish Orthoptic Society (BIOS) and Association of Health Professions in Ophthalmology (AHPO) on developing a Competency Framework for expanded ophthalmic roles for Ophthalmic Nurses, Optometrists, Orthoptists and Ophthalmic Clinical Scientists. Despite hospital
Quality standard for people with sight loss and dementia in an ophthalmology department
This Quality standard for people with sight loss and dementia in an ophthalmology department has been developed by The Royal College of Ophthalmologists and VISION 2020 UK to help ophthalmology departments provide high quality care for patients with dementia. Patients with dementia can benefit from being identified in advance of attending their appointment in order
What is light? The visible spectrum and beyond – (Eye Journal AOP)
What is light? The visible spectrum and beyond Eye advance online publication, January 15 2016. doi:10.1038/eye.2015.252 Author: D H Sliney
Low-energy light bulbs, computers, tablets and the blue light hazard – (Eye Journal AOP)
Low-energy light bulbs, computers, tablets and the blue light hazard Eye advance online publication, January 15 2016. doi:10.1038/eye.2015.261 Authors: J B O’Hagan, M Khazova & L L A Price
The design and validation of an optical coherence tomography-based classification system for focal vitreomacular traction – (Eye Journal AOP)
The design and validation of an optical coherence tomography-based classification system for focal vitreomacular traction Eye advance online publication, January 15 2016. doi:10.1038/eye.2015.262 Authors: D H W Steel, L Downey, K Greiner, H Heimann, T L Jackson, Z Koshy, D A H Laidlaw, L Wickham & Y Yang