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NICE revision of Glaucoma Clinical Guidelines

Aug 03

NICE are in the process of revising Clinical Guideline CG85 ‘Glaucoma: Diagnosis and Management’, published in April 2009. The final scope of the proposed revision is available to read online via the NICE website. Key areas that will be covered in the revision include: The diagnostic accuracy of tests used for the provisional and definitive

  • 3 August 2016

Optical coherence tomography characteristics of different types of big bubbles seen in deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty by the big bubble technique – (Eye Journal AOP)

Jul 29

Optical coherence tomography characteristics of different types of big bubbles seen in deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty by the big bubble technique Eye advance online publication, July 29 2016. doi:10.1038/eye.2016.129 Authors: S L AlTaan, K Termote, M S Elalfy, E Hogan, R Werkmeister, L Schmetterer, S Holland & H S Dua

  • 29 July 2016

Changing trend in the utilisation rate of donated corneas for keratoplasty in the UK: The North East England Study – (Eye Journal AOP)

Jul 29

Changing trend in the utilisation rate of donated corneas for keratoplasty in the UK: The North East England Study Eye advance online publication, July 29 2016. doi:10.1038/eye.2016.145 Authors: D S J Ting, J Potts, M Jones, T Lawther, W J Armitage & F C Figueiredo

  • 29 July 2016

Surgery for sight: outcomes of congenital and developmental cataracts operated in Durban, South Africa – (Eye Journal AOP)

Jul 29

Surgery for sight: outcomes of congenital and developmental cataracts operated in Durban, South Africa Eye advance online publication, July 29 2016. doi:10.1038/eye.2016.157 Authors: P C Gupta & J Ram

  • 29 July 2016

Congenital cataract associated with persistent fetal vasculature: findings from IoLunder2 – (Eye Journal AOP)

Jul 29

Congenital cataract associated with persistent fetal vasculature: findings from IoLunder2 Eye advance online publication, July 29 2016. doi:10.1038/eye.2016.159 Authors: A L Solebo, I Russell-Eggitt, P Cumberland & J S Rahi

  • 29 July 2016