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Professor Helen Davies named as Burian Lecturer for 2020 International Orthoptic Association Congress

3 October 2017

The Burian Lecture honours an IOA Orthoptist for their lifetime scientific and evidence-based clinical contributions to orthoptics and vision science. Professor Helen Davis has changed the practice of all orthoptists trained and educated over the past 25 years in the way they assess and understand binocular vision, in particular fusion and stereopsis.

Her research with Professor John Frisby in designing and developing the only true real depth stereoscopic test (Frisby and FD2) has changed practice and how we understand stereoacuity. The extensive research which Helen undertook to write ‘The diagnosis and management of ocular motility disorders’ (Ansons and Davis) demonstrates the degree to which education, learning and development of orthoptists and orthoptics is at the forefront of her work.