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Welcome message from the new Editor-in-Chief of ‘EYE’, the scientific journal of RCOphth

24 January 2018

On behalf of the Editorial Board of EYE, its authors and readers, I would like to thank our outgoing Editor-in Chief, Professor Andrew Lotery, who has invested significant efforts to advance the profile of EYE.

I am honoured to assume the responsibilities of Editor-in-Chief of EYE. I am grateful to The Royal College of Ophthalmologists for giving me this opportunity to contribute to this flourishing ophthalmic journal. The success of EYE is due to the efforts of my predecessors and the internationally diverse team of Associate Editors, Section Editors, reviewers, contributors and the supporting staff.

In my 8-year tenure as Associate Editor and Section Editor, I have seen and experienced significant positive changes in EYE that has increased its popularity and impact factor. I hope to maintain this momentum while keeping pace with the constantly changing nature of Ophthalmology. Although I anticipate huge challenges in this dynamic era of too many scholarly journals, I am committed to improve the quality of publications, increase the impact factor and keep the journal relevant in the field.

We will provide good submission experience for the authors, aim for a shorter submission to decision time and we will respond to any authors’ concern in a timely manner. We warmly welcome submissions from the scientific community and industry partners. I also do appreciate the indispensable contribution of the reviewers and guest editors to deliver these objectives.

This year is the 30th Anniversary of EYE and The Royal College of Ophthalmologists and we hope to publish a special edition to mark the anniversary. We are also entering into an exciting new working partnership with our publisher, Springer Nature.

I am sure that the fresh enthusiasm and the technical support from Springer Nature will allow the journal to expand in scope and depth, attract both traditional and emerging collaborative researchers from other fields to improve the journal recognition and quality even further.

With the rapidly changing field of technology, we anticipate far reaching coverage of EYE to benefit both readers and contributors. As an Editor-in Chief, I am committed to supporting the access of this journal worldwide.

I look forward to working with all of you in your role as an author, reviewer or editor to bring about new achievements for EYE. As an Editor-in-Chief, I welcome suggestions, discussions and thoughts from the authors and readers to help me to understand and rectify any problems with the Journal.

I am enthusiastic about this opportunity and look forward to a great experience over the next few years!

Sobha Sivaprasad