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Incorrect IOL never events – an update

Aug 30

NHS England fed back from their Never Event response meeting highlighting a recent occurrence in a UK ophthalmic unit: A patient was admitted to the hospital for cataract and ocular lens replacement. All WHO checks were completed prior to surgery as per protocol. An intraocular lens was chosen prior to start of surgery by surgeon

  • 30 August 2018

NOD Audit – Please check your data on your hospital EMR systems and in-house databases now – the next extraction date is 28 September

Aug 30

The current round of the audit data collection ends on 31 August 2018. It is vital that you check the data on your Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems and in-house databases to ensure accurate and complete data has been recorded before submission/extraction. The cataract audit data submission will take place on 28 September 2018 for

  • 30 August 2018

Save the date for our free NOD Audit quality improvement workshop – limited places

Aug 30

The NOD team will be hosting free to attend Quality Improvement (QI) workshops for anyone participating or wishing to participate in the cataract audit. The workshops take place from 10.00am to 3.30pm on the following dates: Tuesday, 9 October 2018 at The Royal College of Ophthalmologists, London NW1 2HD Monday, 26 November 2018 at the

  • 30 August 2018

College advice on withdrawal of CyPass Micro-Stent by Alcon

Aug 30

Alcon announced on 29 August 2018 the withdrawal of a glaucoma drainage device or micro-stent called ‘CyPass’ due to concerns about long term effects on the corneal endothelial cell count in their latest 5-year study. Whilst further guidance is expected from Alcon following consultation with the MHRA, the College is issuing the following advice

  • 30 August 2018

OTG Annual Symposium 2018

Aug 30

On Friday 23 November 2018 the Ophthalmologists in Training Group (OTG) will be hosting their ninth Annual Symposium at The Royal College of Ophthalmologists, 18 Stephenson Way. London NW1 2HD. The Annual Symposium is a relaxed, informal all-day meeting, with highly-regarded speakers giving talks on real-world aspects of ophthalmology to help day-to-day practice. Topics covered will include Interpretation of Corneal

  • 30 August 2018