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Randomised trial of wide-field guided PRP for diabetic macular oedema treated with ranibizumab – (Eye Journal)

Feb 06

Randomised trial of wide-field guided PRP for diabetic macular oedema treated with ranibizumab Randomised trial of wide-field guided PRP for diabetic macular oedema treated with ranibizumab, Published online: 06 February 2019; doi:10.1038/s41433-019-0342-1 Randomised trial of wide-field guided PRP for diabetic macular oedema treated with ranibizumab

  • 6 February 2019

Joint Venture between the Association of British Dispensing Opticians and The Royal College of Ophthalmologists for RCOphth professional examinations

Feb 04

In a joint venture, The Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO) and The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) are collaborating to host and deliver the RCOphth Refraction Certificate examination. This is one of four examinations that a trainee ophthalmologist takes in order to achieve the FRCOphth. From 2020 ABDO’s National Resource Centre (NRC) in Birmingham will

  • 4 February 2019

Ophthalmology specialist trainee survey in the United Kingdom – (Eye Journal)

Feb 01

Ophthalmology specialist trainee survey in the United Kingdom Ophthalmology specialist trainee survey in the United Kingdom, Published online: 01 February 2019; doi:10.1038/s41433-019-0344-z Ophthalmology specialist trainee survey in the United Kingdom

  • 1 February 2019

Medial canthoplasty for the management of exposure keratopathy – (Eye Journal)

Feb 01

Medial canthoplasty for the management of exposure keratopathy Medial canthoplasty for the management of exposure keratopathy, Published online: 01 February 2019; doi:10.1038/s41433-019-0347-9 Medial canthoplasty for the management of exposure keratopathy

  • 1 February 2019

Correction: How do paper and electronic records compare for completeness? A three centre study – (Eye Journal)

Jan 31

Correction: How do paper and electronic records compare for completeness? A three centre study Correction: How do paper and electronic records compare for completeness? A three centre study, Published online: 31 January 2019; doi:10.1038/s41433-019-0335-0 Correction: How do paper and electronic records compare for completeness? A three centre study

  • 31 January 2019