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Influence of peripheral corneal relaxing incisions during cataract surgery for corneal astigmatism up to 2.5 dioptres on corneal densitometry – (Influence of peripheral corneal relaxing incisions during cataract surgery for corneal astigmatism up to 2.5 dioptres on corneal densitometry, Published online: 2019-01-02; | doi:10.1038/s41433-018-0327-5)

Jan 02

Influence of peripheral corneal relaxing incisions during cataract surgery for corneal astigmatism up to 2.5 dioptres on corneal densitometry Influence of peripheral corneal relaxing incisions during cataract surgery for corneal astigmatism up to 2.5 dioptres on corneal densitometry, Published online: 02 January 2019; doi:10.1038/s41433-018-0327-5 Influence of peripheral corneal relaxing incisions during cataract surgery for corneal

  • 2 January 2019