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Supporting ophthalmology trainees back into the training programme during the pandemic

Jun 02

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, The Royal College of Ophthalmologists recognises the need to support a return to normal training and limit any further disruption. The Ophthalmologists in Training Group (OTG), working with the RCOphth, has produced a framework of recommendations, the Training Programme Recovery Recommendations, to help deal with this evolving and complex situation.

  • 2 June 2020

RCOphth responds to new framework for restarting National Institute of Health Research activities

May 27

The National Insitute of Health Research NIHR has set out a framework to guide the restarting of NIHR research activities which have been paused due to COVID-19. This framework has been developed in cooperation with Devolved Administrations who will produce aligned, but specific guidance for their area. Commenting on the new framework, RCOphth Academic Committee

  • 27 May 2020

Statement on vision impairment and Covid-19

May 26

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists is unable to report on the association of vision impairment, as a result of a patient contracting COVID-19, due to a lack of evidence. A direct causal effect can only be established through the reporting of proven cases of COVID-19 patients and their symptoms. Our scientific journal EYE, has recently

  • 26 May 2020

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) use among emergency eye care professionals in the UK during the COVID19 pandemic – (Eye Journal)

May 21

Eye, Published online: 21 May 2020; doi:10.1038/s41433-020-0970-5 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) use among emergency eye care professionals in the UK during the COVID19 pandemic

  • 21 May 2020

Quantifying examination distance in ophthalmic assessments – (Eye Journal)

May 20

Eye, Published online: 20 May 2020; doi:10.1038/s41433-020-0978-x Quantifying examination distance in ophthalmic assessments

  • 20 May 2020