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Simulated Ocular Surgery (SOS) hosts dedicated RCOphth channel on forthcoming Simulation Gallery website

18 May 2017

The College is pleased to announce that Simulated Ocular Surgery (SOS) has agreed to host a dedicated RCOphth channel on their new Simulation Gallery website will launch on 22 May 2017.

We are inviting trainees and trainers to submit digital recordings of surgical techniques for both whole and sections of operations.  These will be hosted on the RCOphth channel which is expected to be a showcase for exemplars of simulated and real-life surgery.  Submissions will be reviewed for consideration by a team of reviewers lead by Professor Stephen Vernon VP.

Please register for the gallery in order to submit your video content of simulated or real-life surgery at ensuring you title the ‘message’ with RCOphth channel; include your name and contact details.

Top tips for video production:

  • Use a high definition video camera mounted on a tripod or other secure point. Alternatively, use a high definition video incorporated in your operating microscope
  • Videos must be no more than 10 minutes long
  • Feel free to incorporate footage of live surgery alongside simulation surgery, to show how the two compare
  • Add an informative voiceover, recorded with a good quality microphone.
  • Feel free to add a piece to camera at the start of the clip to introduce yourself (and your team) and where you work

The principle aim of the Simulation Gallery is to create a repository for high quality surgical training videos from around the world, which will enable ophthalmologists to share their teaching tips for a particular procedure and for trainees to share their training experiences. Access to the website will be free for all.