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College Chief Executive Kathy Evans speaks to PoliticsHome

Jan 26

Kathy Evans, the chief executive of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists, speaks to Parliament’s primary news source PoliticsHome about the pressures facing the ophthalmic sector and the organisation’s plans to tackle them. January has seen a spike in concern over the pressures facing the NHS, with healthcare professionals describing the conditions as “worse than ever”. The

  • 26 January 2017

Election of regional representatives to council

Jan 26

Council members are elected by the Fellows and Members of their region. Being a Council member carries responsibilities but is also a productive and rewarding experience. It enables an ophthalmologist to contribute directly to the work of the College and to take part in the national debate about ophthalmology. The term of office for a

  • 26 January 2017

Stakeholder Testing for Adulimimab for Adults with Severe Refractory Uveitis

Jan 26

NHSE’s Specialised Ear and Ophthalmology Clinical Reference Group have started a Stakeholder Testing period and process for Adulimimab for Adults with Severe Refractory Uveitis. Since April 2013, NHS England has been responsible for commissioning specialised health services directly, with the national commissioning arrangements transferring over from previous organisations. As changes to existing service models are

  • 26 January 2017

New bedside vision check tool from RCP to help prevent hospital inpatient falls

Jan 25

A new tool from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP), that enables ward staff to quickly assess a patient’s eyesight in order to help prevent them falling or tripping while in hospital, is being made available to trusts and local health boards in England and Wales has been made available this week. Look out! Bedside vision

  • 25 January 2017

Cambodia Mission 2017

Jan 25

Approximately, 28,000 Cambodians go blind each year, with more than half due to cataracts and the rest due to uncorrected vision, glaucoma, corneal scarring and pterygium. 80%-90% of these cases are treatable and preventable.  However, with only 38 ophthalmologists for a population of 15 million people and less than 60% of these doing surgery, Cambodia

  • 25 January 2017