European Society of Ophthalmology calls for UK nominations to European Leadership Development Programme 2019-2021
The European Society of Ophthalmology, (SOE) invites UK Ophthalmologists and Residents to submit their interest to join the European Leadership Development Programme, (EuLDP), Class of 2019 – 2021. The programme aims to Identify future leaders in European ophthalmology and provide them with an informal network of peers Provide a basic leadership training programme adapted for
#makemydatacount – Secure national audit funding to protect patient safety and professional standards
We are calling on all those involved in funding and running national clinical audits to support our campaign #makemydatacount. National clinical audits are important to measure how care is being delivered and how medical professionals are delivering that care to the highest standards possible. National audits are developed and continually improved to measure performance and
NICE publishes serious eye disorders quality standard
The Royal College of Ophthalmologists supports the quality standard but believes the implementation will be challenging for the overwhelmed hospital eye service. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has published its first quality standard looking at serious eye disorders, covering the diagnosis and management of cataracts, glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
Minimising possible adverse effects of Brexit
With the current situation around Brexit remaining consistently unclear The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) has recently signposted external guidance from the Department of Health and The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges. To update members on the current situation and latest messages from the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) the RCOphth is able
Joint Venture between the Association of British Dispensing Opticians and The Royal College of Ophthalmologists for RCOphth professional examinations
In a joint venture, The Association of British Dispensing Opticians (ABDO) and The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) are collaborating to host and deliver the RCOphth Refraction Certificate examination. This is one of four examinations that a trainee ophthalmologist takes in order to achieve the FRCOphth. From 2020 ABDO’s National Resource Centre (NRC) in Birmingham will