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Potential workforce development with Health Education England

Apr 05

We are all very aware that the Hospital Eye Service is overwhelmed with lack of capacity as it struggles to meet demand and it is widely agreed that ophthalmic care needs to be delivered differently.  There has already been an evolution of the ophthalmic team, with expanded roles carried out by non-medical eye health care

  • 5 April 2017

New outpatient tariffs and the impact on ophthalmology – managing change for commissioning services

Feb 22

The RCOphth has issued a further response to the December 2016 statement on how the new outpatient tariffs place unnecessary pressure on departments to discharge patients at a time when there is no suitable community care option available. You can read the response below or alternatively download it as a pdf. What are the potential patient safety risks in

  • 22 February 2017

BOSU report shows patients losing sight to follow-up appointment delays

Feb 08

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists publishes a surveillance report of patients losing vision due to delays in treatment and follow-up appointments The research, conducted through the British Ophthalmological Surveillance Unit (BOSU), found patients suffering permanent and severe visual loss due to health service initiated delays1.  The research involving all UK consultant ophthalmologists, showed that up to 22

  • 8 February 2017

The Way Forward – a resource for collaborative working to review and redesign eye care services in the UK

Feb 08

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists publishes The Way Forward for the review and redesign of eye care services. The increasing demand for hospital eye services is not being met and continues to grow, currently ophthalmology deals with nearly 10% of all out-patient appointments and performing 6% of the overall surgery in the UK. The Way

  • 8 February 2017

The Clinical Council for Eye Health Commissioning urges Sustainability and Transformation Plan leaders to include eye care in their delivery plans

Feb 01

The CCEHC believes that working at Sustainability and Transformation Plan (STP) level has significant potential to improve care and prevention, and enable commissioners to transform services at scale within likely available resources.  With the exception of two STP areas that are including eye care in their plans[1], the risk is that opportunities to transform and

  • 1 February 2017