Public Health Outcome Data for Certificate of Vision Impairment
The Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF) data update for August 2014 has been published by Public Health England (PHE) for the data period 2012/2013. The data are presented in an interactive data tool that allows users to view data in a user-friendly format. The data tool also provides links to further supporting and relevant information
CPD online reporting tool
One of the requirements of Good Medical Practice is that doctors keep their knowledge and skills up to date. The GMC document Supporting information for appraisal and revalidation states that CPD should: Be relevant to the whole scope of the doctor’s practice Stimulate the doctor to reflect on whether he / she is working to the
Field Safety Notice: Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics; samples containing fluorescein may show interference
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics advises that if blood samples contain fluorescein it may interfere with the ADVIA Centaur® Systems TSH3 Ultra, Vitamin D and the ADVIA Centaur BRAHMS Procalcitonin assay tests. Evidence suggests that patients undergoing fluorescein angiography can retain small amounts of fluorescein dye in body fluids for up to 72 hours post angiography. Patients
OTG response to the Shape of Training Review
The Ophthalmic Trainees’ Group has issued its response to the Shape of Training review. OTG_response_to_the_Shape_of_Training_review
Quality Standards for Services for Patients with Learning Disabilities
There are numerous personal accounts nationwide of ways in which ophthalmologists have been able to enhance the quality of life of people with learning disability. The impact of an intervention to improve sight should not be underestimated. In 2011 The Royal College of Ophthalmologists, with the support of SeeAbility, VISION 2020 UK and the RNIB,