Research Fellowships opportunities at PhD and post-doctoral levels

The Commonwealth Eye Health Consortium is a group of eye health organisations working to strengthen eye health services and the quality of eye health care across the Commonwealth. We are giving eye health workers based in low and middle-income Commonwealth countries the opportunity to apply for a small number of Research Fellowships
Improving eye health and reducing sight loss – A ‘Call to Action’
Patients, professionals and the public are being invited to have their say by NHS England, in a debate around the provision of eye health services. ‘The NHS belongs to us all: a call to action’ was launched last July and set out the challenges faced by the NHS; those of an ageing population with complex
Doctors’ & Dentists’ Remuneration Review
The Department of Health has published the DDRB report on Clinical Excellence Awards and an NHS Employers report on proposals for revision of the Junior Doctors contract. This is available at
College Statement on the FAD from NICE following the STA process on Fluocinolone Acetonide for treatment of chronic DMO where there is inadequate response to prior therapy
College Statement on the Final Appraisal Document (FAD) from NICE following the process on Fluocinolone Acetonide (Iluvien, Alimera Sciences) for treatment of chronic diabetic macular oedema where there is inadequate response to prior therapy Download the Statement here