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AoMRC shares Pensions Tax Flexibilities Resources  

Nov 18

The Academy of Royal Medical Colleges has produced a short list of available resources and information.  However, it is important for RCOphth members to know that: It is not possible or proper for the AoMRC or the RCOphth to advise individuals on financial decisions in relation to their pensions All individuals should be encouraged to

  • 18 November 2019

Microinvasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS) tariff payments

Nov 07

The RCOphth is aware of concern from members and industry regarding the current payment arrangements for Microinvasive Glaucoma Surgery (MIGS). Extensive work has been going on behind scenes, working with the ophthalmology Expert Working Group (EWG)1, glaucoma specialists and the RCOphth professional standards team. The national system for coding and tariffs is extremely complex and

  • 7 November 2019

NHSE/I publish key areas of work for the 2020 national tariff

Nov 06

NHSE/I have published ‘Key areas of work for the 2020 national tariff’ which sets out the key policy areas NHSE/I are considering for 2020 and builds on the engagement  webinars and workshops earlier in the year. The document reflects some changes to the policies in light of feedback to the earlier engagement. The main changes

  • 6 November 2019

RCOphth awards Honorary Fellowships to Usha Chakravarthy and Carrie MacEwen

Sep 13

At the RCOphth’s annual Admission Ceremony on Friday 6 September 2019 the College awarded two Honorary Fellowships to Professor Usha Chakravarthy and Professor Carrie MacEwen. The award of Honorary Fellow is the highest accolade the College can bestow. It recognises significant and life-long contributions by individuals to advancement in the field of ophthalmology. The Admission

  • 13 September 2019

2017 – 2018 Prospective Annual Report of the NOD Audit Published

Sep 12

Successfully completing another year of data collection from across 70% of eligible NHS trusts in England and Wales, the third prospective NOD Audit report on cataract surgery during 2017 – 2018 is published today, 12 September 2019. Cataract surgery is the most frequently performed elective surgical procedure in the UK with 414,000 cataract operations undertaken

  • 12 September 2019