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A new process for the Certification of Vision Impairment in Wales (CVIW)

Oct 12

A multi-disciplinary team, including the volunteer sector in Wales, has worked to improve the CVI process which was launched in September 2016. When a person’s sight loss reaches certain levels they are entitled, if consenting, to be certified as severely sight impaired (SSI) or sight impaired (SI) by a Consultant Ophthalmologist. Certification should be seen as an

  • 12 October 2016

AoMRC seeks two new independent Trustees

Oct 12

The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges speaks on standards of care and medical education across the UK.  By bringing together the expertise of the medical Royal Colleges and Faculties it drives improvement in health and patient care through education, training and quality standards. The Board of Trustees provides governance of the Academy of Medical Royal

  • 12 October 2016

The Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers research awards

Oct 12

At a ceremony on Wednesday 5 October 2016, the Worshipful Company of Spectacle Makers awarded two prestigious Bronze Medals for research. The Ruskell Medal for 2016 was awarded to Dr Jasmina Cehajic Kapetanovic, a trainee academic ophthalmologist based at the University of Manchester/Manchester Royal Eye Hospital. Her work centres around the use of gene therapy

  • 12 October 2016

Admission Ceremony 2016

Sep 29

The College’s Admission Ceremony 2016 took place on Friday 9 September. The Admission Ceremony is a time to acknowledge achievement and a time for reflection and celebration with family and friends. In many cases, it heralds a move to a new job with new opportunities. Whether to pursue general ophthalmology or sub-specialised work, our specialty is both

  • 29 September 2016

Astbury Awards 2016

Sep 29

Now in their third year, the Astbury Awards were held on 19 September.  Named for former RCOphth President and inaugural recipient Nick Astbury, these awards were set up to recognise work that fosters excellence in collaboration within the eye health and sight loss sectors. Nominations were taken from VISION 2020 UK member organisations. This year,

  • 29 September 2016