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RCOphth host refractive surgery engagement days for public and industry

Sep 02

Following on from work on standardised patient information and professional standards in refractive surgery, RCOphth are inviting both industry and members of the public to discuss, at an early stage, the feasibility of addressing two additional goals for UK refractive surgery: A national data set As electronic patient record systems become more widespread in refractive surgery,

  • 2 September 2016

National Ophthalmology Database (NOD) Audit Update

Aug 30

Data Submission The cataract audit data submission will take place in September 2016 for data contributed from 01 September 2015 to 31 August 2016. Now will be a good time for you and your colleagues to check your data to ensure that any outstanding data is inputted on your Electronic Medical Record (EMR) systems and

  • 30 August 2016

Important e-Portfolio Information – go-live date

Aug 16

The planned go-live date for the College’s new e-Portfolio has been moved back to Thursday 29 September 2016. Whilst we do not wish to inconvenience portfolio users, this decision has been made to allow adequate testing of all the new features. Our aim is to provide you with a fully functioning e-Portfolio and we appreciate

  • 16 August 2016

Cataract surgery must be determined on clinical need and not rationed due to funding restrictions

Aug 12

In response to extensive media coverage during August on restricted access to cataract surgery, the RCOphth issued the following statement. The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) welcomes Jeremy Hunt’s recognition that patients should receive cataract surgery based on clinical need as recommended by eye doctors. The rationing and postponement of second eye cataract surgery is

  • 12 August 2016

BIOS releases new Curriculum Framework, updating knowledge and skills requirements

Aug 05

The new Curriculum Framework July 2016 document from the British & Irish Orthoptic Society (BIOS) updates knowledge and the skills requirements that BIOS considers are essential for entry-level orthoptists, helping also to define the Orthoptic role. Education, training and regulation in Orthoptics is driven by core competencies required by the profession of a new graduate

  • 5 August 2016