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Accessing and sharing health records and patient confidentiality

Oct 27

This briefing from the House of Commons sets out current arrangements for accessing patient records and sharing confidential patient information. Individuals have a right to access their own health records, and in limited circumstances, access to the records of other people. The Government has made a commitment that patients should gain access to their health

  • 27 October 2015

Seasonal flu vaccination 2015/16

Oct 27

Flu immunisation remains the most effective method to help protect against influenza infection. By being immunised doctors help protect not only themselves and their family, but also their most vulnerable patients. Doctors have a responsibility to do everything possible to protect their patients against infection. Section 29 of the General Medical Council’s 2013 Good Medical Practice Guidance states: “You

  • 27 October 2015

Monitor report highlights UK ophthalmology units as efficient and cost effective

Oct 12

Improving NHS productivity in elective care Monitor report out today The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) has worked in close collaboration with Monitor on this research, specifically to identify ways that cataract surgery and treatment for AMD can be more efficiently delivered in hospital eye services in the UK. The research covered a range of

  • 12 October 2015

Secretary of State, Jeremy Hunt asks all parties to continue junior doctor contract negotiations

Oct 09

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists notes the letter by the Secretary of State to the Junior Doctors Committee of the British Medical Association.  Mr Hunt outlines that proposals for the new contract for junior doctors must be addressed through further negotiation by all parties. The RCOphth recognises and values ophthalmic registrars for their continuing contribution to

  • 9 October 2015

NHS England announce benefit from radical new hospital collaboration drive

Sep 30

NHS England Chief Executive Simon Stevens will today (Friday 25 September) announce radical new options for the future of local hospitals across the NHS. The new models being developed by 13 new hospital Vanguards represent the next stage of implementing the NHS Five Year Forward View. Today’s new group of NHS Vanguards involve some of the

  • 30 September 2015