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NHS England reverses decision on use of adalimumab for children with uveitis

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists is delighted to learn that submission of further evidence and negotiation on the use of adalimumab has been approved by NHS England for use in children with uveitis that threatens their sight, and for whom other treatments have proven ineffective. The Clinical Reference Group for specialised ophthalmology services (CRG), under

RCOphth Lay Advisory Group strongly criticises NHS England’s decision to deny sight saving therapies for patients with severe refractory uveitis

The Lay Advisory Group of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists strongly criticises NHS England’s decision of 2 July 2015 to not routinely commission adalimumab and infliximab for adults and children with severe refractory uveitis. England is now the only country in the UK that denies access to anti TNF therapy for severe refractory uveitis in

Adult and Paediatric Anti-TNF policies for Severe Refractory Uveitis not approved for NHS England specialised commissioning

The Royal College of Ophthalmology (RCOphth) and the Clinical Reference Group for specialised ophthalmology services (CRG) regret having to report that the Adult and Paediatric Anti -TNF policies for Severe Refractory Uveitis have not been approved for specialised commissioning. Following this announcement we have met with NHS England to stress how detrimental this decision will