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RCOphth Response to Department of Transport (DT): The Road Safety Statement 2019 – A Lifetime of Road Safety

RCOphth’s Driving Standards Representative to the DVLA, Ian Pearce, welcomes the safety report and action plan from the DT published on 19 July. The report highlights the importance of good eyesight for road safety and the value of assessing reductions in visual function. Changes to vision, for drivers of all ages, should be identified as

Change to DVLA management of cases for drivers with nystagmus

The Secretary of State for Transport’s Honorary Medical Advisory Panel on Driving and Visual Disorders has advised that it is the visual problems associated with nystagmus that are relevant when assessing fitness to drive, not nystagmus itself. On this basis it has been decided that DVLA need not be notified of nystagmus if the visual

Seminar Review: Can I drive doc? Driving standards in practice

This was a one day course organised and chaired by Mr Ian Pearce and Mr Bill Newman (via Skype). The morning session covered current visual standards for driving including exceptions. We also learned about the DVLA panel and appeal process Each lecture was very comprehensive and knowledge gained will be very useful in clinical practice.

DVLA will accept additional medical evidence in the assessment of patients

The RCOphth has responded to patients’ comments about difficulties experienced during their tests by Specsavers and how this has impacted on DVLA judgements in terms of their ability to drive. President Mike Burdon and Melanie Hingorani Chair, Professional Standards wrote to the DVLA asking that they confirm additional medical information from consultants about patients under

Changes to DVLA’s At a Glance guide

A guide that helps medical professionals such as GPs, consultants, nurses and optometrists assess their patients’ fitness to drive has been given a major update by DVLA as part of its wide-ranging plans to improve its services for medical professionals and drivers. In March, ‘Assessing Fitness to Drive: A Guide for Medical Professionals’ will replace