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Pattern recognition receptors in microbial keratitis – (Eye 29, 1399 (November 2015))

Nov 12

Pattern recognition receptors in microbial keratitis Eye 29, 1399 (November 2015). doi:10.1038/eye.2015.118 Authors: M-A Taube, M del Mar Cendra, A Elsahn, M Christodoulides & P Hossain

  • 12 November 2015

Fight for Sight: Vacancy for trustee from a clinical academic background

Nov 12

Almost 2 million people in the UK are affected by sight loss and with an ageing population this number is set to double by 2050. It is only through investment in medical research that we can stop sight loss. Fight for Sight is the UK’s leading charity funding pioneering research to prevent sight loss and

  • 12 November 2015

RCOphth continue to express concern regarding junior doctors contract

Nov 12

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists remains concerned about the continuing dispute between the BMA and the Department of Health regarding the junior doctors contract. We continue to urge all sides to come together for further constructive negotiation without pre-conditions on either side. Independent arbitration may help to break the gridlock and this would be welcome. In

  • 12 November 2015

NHS England reverses decision on use of adalimumab for children with uveitis

Nov 11

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists is delighted to learn that submission of further evidence and negotiation on the use of adalimumab has been approved by NHS England for use in children with uveitis that threatens their sight, and for whom other treatments have proven ineffective. The Clinical Reference Group for specialised ophthalmology services (CRG), under

  • 11 November 2015

Our President, Carrie MacEwen features in BMJ ‘Confidential’

Nov 09

November’s first edition of “BMJ Confidential” features an interview with our President, Professor MacEwen; champion of vision and visibility. In the interview, Carrie talks about early ambitions, career decisions and names her biggest inspiration. You can read the full article here.

  • 9 November 2015