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Retinal pigment epithelium transplantation: concepts, challenges, and future prospects – (Eye 29, 992 (August 2015))

Aug 13

Retinal pigment epithelium transplantation: concepts, challenges, and future prospects Eye 29, 992 (August 2015). doi:10.1038/eye.2015.89 Authors: P Alexander, H A J Thomson, A J Luff & A J Lotery

  • 13 August 2015

MEK inhibitors: a new class of chemotherapeutic agents with ocular toxicity – (Eye 29, 1003 (August 2015))

Aug 13

MEK inhibitors: a new class of chemotherapeutic agents with ocular toxicity Eye 29, 1003 (August 2015). doi:10.1038/eye.2015.82 Authors: K E Duncan, L Y Chang & M Patronas

  • 13 August 2015

Dementia of the eye: the role of amyloid beta in retinal degeneration – (Eye 29, 1013 (August 2015))

Aug 13

Dementia of the eye: the role of amyloid beta in retinal degeneration Eye 29, 1013 (August 2015). doi:10.1038/eye.2015.100 Authors: J A Ratnayaka, L C Serpell & A J Lotery

  • 13 August 2015

RNIB call for reversal of NHS England’s decision to block treatments for children and adults with severe refractory uveitis

Aug 11

RNIB have mounted a campaign to ask people to sign up and send messages supporting a reversal of the NHS England’s decision to block treatments for patients with sever refractive uveitis to Simon Stevens and Bruce Keogh at NHS England. In July 2015, NHS England decided they will not routinely provide Humira and Remicade for severe

  • 11 August 2015

Eye health indicator figures updated with 2013/14 data

Aug 11

Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF) eye health indicator figures have been refreshed and updated with 2013/14 data. These indicators track the rates of three major causes of sight loss including: age related macular degeneration (AMD) – indicator 4.12 i; glaucoma – indicator 4.12.ii; diabetic retinopathy – indicator 4.12.iii; indicator 4.12 iv “preventable sight loss –

  • 11 August 2015