Effect of smoking on retrobulbar blood flow in thyroid eye disease – (Eye Journal AOP)
Effect of smoking on retrobulbar blood flow in thyroid eye disease Eye advance online publication, August 19 2016. doi:10.1038/eye.2016.184 Authors: A Sadeghi-Tari, M Jamshidian-Tehrani, A Nabavi, S Sharif-Kashani, E Elhami, N Hassanpour & K Ameli Zamani
Microvascular endothelial function and severity of primary open angle glaucoma – (Eye Journal AOP)
Microvascular endothelial function and severity of primary open angle glaucoma Eye advance online publication, August 19 2016. doi:10.1038/eye.2016.185 Authors: S M I Bukhari, K Y Kiu, R Thambiraja, S Sulong, A H G Rasool & A T Liza-Sharmini
Available position in ENT & Ophthalmology CRG, North Region
There is an available position in the ENT & Ophthalmology CRG for the North Region. If you are interested in actively contributing to the work of the CRG and have some experience of commissioning, please contact CRG Chair, Alison Davis, alison.davis@moorfields.nhs.uk for more information. CRGs lead on the development of clinical commissioning policies, service specifications and
Important e-Portfolio Information – go-live date
The planned go-live date for the College’s new e-Portfolio has been moved back to Thursday 29 September 2016. Whilst we do not wish to inconvenience portfolio users, this decision has been made to allow adequate testing of all the new features. Our aim is to provide you with a fully functioning e-Portfolio and we appreciate
RCOphth Publish Corneal Cross-Linking Data Set
The Corneal Cross-Linking Data Set July 2016 has been composed with the support of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists’ Informatics and Audit Sub-committee, who comprise of a representative selection of experts in a variety of healthcare environments across the UK. The purpose of the Corneal Cross-Linking Data Set is to represent an agreed set of clinical