New safety standards published for invasive procedures
NHS England publishes New safety standards published for invasive procedures 7 September 2015 The National Safety Standards for Invasive Procedures (NatSSIPs) were published in September 2015 to support NHS organisations in providing safer care and to reduce the number of patient safety incidents related to invasive procedures in which surgical Never Events can occur. The
New: Eye Care Services for Adults with Learning Disabilities
Written in collaboration with VISION 2020 UK and SeeAbility the Eye Care Services for Adults with Learning Disabilities 2015 Ophthalmic Services Guidance Chapter aims to provide ophthalmologists with guidance and support so as to enable them to provide insightful and quality treatment to patients with learning disabilities. The College information can also be supplemented by
Response to NICE Guidelines Diabetes (type 1 and type 2) in children and young people 2015
The Royal College of Ophthalmologists welcomes the update Guidelines from NICE on Diabetes (type 1 and type 2) in children and young people 2015 The College is pleased that the updated Guidelines recognise that although background retinopathy (BDR) is not part of the screening target, this condition is diagnosed during the screening, and the results
Eye health indicator figures updated with 2013/14 data
Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF) eye health indicator figures have been refreshed and updated with 2013/14 data. These indicators track the rates of three major causes of sight loss including: age related macular degeneration (AMD) – indicator 4.12 i; glaucoma – indicator 4.12.ii; diabetic retinopathy – indicator 4.12.iii; indicator 4.12 iv “preventable sight loss –
NEW Retinal Vein Occlusion (RVO) Guidelines July 2015
These guidelines (July 2015) reflect changes in treatments, since the 2010 Interim RVO Guidelines. The guidelines provide evidence-based, clinical advice for the management of different aspects of RVO. The scope is limited to current diagnostic tools, management and service set-up and delivery to facilitate delivery of optimal care. They are aimed primarily at ophthalmologists but