The Health Foundation Innovating for Improvement programme now open for applications
The Health Foundation has £1.7 million available for up to 23 clinical teams through the latest round of our Innovating for Improvement programme. The funding can be used to test and develop innovative ideas and approaches to improve health and social care delivery in the UK. The Foundation are particularly interested in applications that focus
RCOphth endorses the APPG report ‘See the Light’ that highlights continuing crisis in hospital eye services
The Royal College of Ophthalmologists endorses the APPG Eye Health and Visual Impairment report, ‘See the Light’, but says the crisis is not new Patients across England are losing sight due to delayed and cancelled eye care appointments The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth), a key partner in the development of the ‘See the Light’
The T.F.C. Frost Charitable Trust awards of up to £40,000 now open – apply by 10 September 2018
The Trust has been established since 1966 to provide grants and scholarships to universities and hospitals for research into eye disease. This year, applications should be submitted by 10 September, with details of the proposed research programme, curriculum vitae and required funding. Awards will be made strictly on merit up to a maximum of £40,000 in each case.
Letter from AoMRC to Editor of The Times
The following was sent to the Editor of The Times newspaper from Professor Carrie MacEwen as chair of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges. The Times have subsequently published this article regarding NHS funding. Dear Sir As we approach the 70th birthday of the NHS and the Prime Minister prepares to set out a longterm
‘Ophthalmology Failsafe’ Initiative – Joint working under the Elective Care Transformation Programme, GIRFT and The Royal College of Ophthalmologists
As many members will know, The Royal College of Ophthalmologists has been campaigning for a number of years about the increasing and overwhelming demand placed on the hospital eye service, through the RCOphth Three Step Plan1 and the 2017 British Ophthalmological Surveillance Unit (BOSU) research which found patients suffering permanent and severe visual loss due