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Royal College of Ophthalmologists responds to the Budget 2020

Mar 13

RCOphth President, Mike Burdon responded to the measures outlined in the spring statement, stating: ‘RCOphth has long listened to and expressed concerns on behalf of its members regarding the annual allowance threshold for pensions and we welcome the Chancellor’s decision to raise them. ‘Our General Election Manifesto highlighted that nearly a quarter of ophthalmologists are

  • 13 March 2020

RCOphth receives funding boost to continue to improve cataract patient outcomes through its national database audit

Jan 10

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) is delighted to announce further funding to support the continuation of the National Ophthalmology Database (NOD), which collects data on cataract surgery performed in England and Wales and benchmarked reports on performance of individual surgeons with the aim of improving patient care. The funding from Alcon over three years

  • 10 January 2020

GMC survey on treatment affecting SAS doctors mirrors results of RCOphth SAS Survey in 2017

Jan 09

A survey released today, 9 January, by the GMC has found that many SAS and LE doctors experience rudeness, incivility, belittling and humiliation, in the workplace. The survey found that 30% of SAS doctors and 23% of their LE counterparts had been bullied, undermined or harassed at work in the last year, either by colleagues or

  • 9 January 2020

RCOphth President responds to HSIB report on lack of timely monitoring for patients with glaucoma

Jan 09

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists would like to thank the patient who was willing to participate in important investigations, such as this report carried out by the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) despite the devastating impact on her quality of life as a result of her sight loss. The hospital investigated is not identified in

  • 9 January 2020

National Ophthalmology Database receives funding boost

Jan 06

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists is delighted to announce that the National Ophthalmology Database Audit (NOD) has received further funding for 2020. The contribution provided by Bausch + Lomb for the calendar year of 2020, will help ensure the continued aims of the audit to facilitate the highest standards of quality assurance and improvement in patient care

  • 6 January 2020