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New ways to avoid wrong IOLs    

Dec 13

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists is aware that never events relating to the insertion of wrong intraocular lenses (IOLs) is an ongoing problem and that members continue to have concerns about how best to avoid such incidents, and about how to ensure there is no unhelpful blame or punitive measures which lead to financial penalties

  • 13 December 2017

RCOphth host London Assembly launch of report into eye health and sight loss in London

Dec 08

The RCOphth was delighted to offer our premises in Stephenson Way to the London Assembly (LA) to launch their Health Committee report ‘Eye Health – preventing sight loss in London’ on 5 December 2017. Along with a number of other eye sector organisations, patients and patient groups, we contributed to the final report findings.  Mike Burdon and

  • 8 December 2017

General Optical Council recruiting for medical practitioners to committees

Nov 30

The General Optical Council (GOC) is seeking to appoint one registered medical practitioner for each of their companies, education, standards and investigation committees. For these roles, the applicant must be registered with the GMC to be eligible to apply. Applicants could be an ophthalmologist or a doctor working in a different area with an understanding

  • 30 November 2017

Paediatric Ocular Inflammation Group (POIG)

Nov 29

POIG is being formed in order to support the development of the evidence base necessary to inform management strategies, service commissioning and service delivery for children with ocular inflammatory disorders. The rarity of the individual disorders, which together constitute a significant cause of morbidity, is an obstacle to impactful biomedical research. This is particularly true

  • 29 November 2017

Eye Care in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

Nov 29

Produced in collaboration with the Intensive Care Society, the Eye Care in Intensive Care Unit guidance provides advice for clinical staff involved in eye care in the ICU. It is primarily intended to help non-ophthalmic ICU staff to: protect the eye in vulnerable patients, thus preventing ICU-related eye problems identify disease affecting the eye in

  • 29 November 2017