Starting Point: a guide for parents of children with visual impairment
The RCOphth Paediatric Sub-committee would like to draw attention to the information booklet “Starting Point” that has been produced by the RNIB and Blind Children UK. This provides useful and important information for patients and parents of children with visual impairment. Ophthalmologists should also be aware of the availability from the Blind Children UK’s website of other
Bayer Ophthalmology Honours launched at Annual Congress 2015
Bayer launches its new awards programme which aims to recognise and celebrate outstanding work in ophthalmology in the UK Newbury, Monday 18 May 2015 – A new awards programme, Bayer Ophthalmology Honours, has been launched today by Bayer HealthCare at the Royal College of Ophthalmologists’ Annual Congress. The programme aims to recognise and celebrate, on an
SAS National Eye Day 2015
Start: 16th October 2015 Type: SAS Annual Meeting Description: Highlights include: 1. Uveitis Update – Miss Narciss Okhravi 2. Staying Friends with the GMC 3. Corneal Disease and Keratoconus Update – Stephen Kaye 4. The Patient Experience 5. Clinical Pearls For more information and to book a place click here:
John Lee Quiz Night
Are you ready for a challenge? Then the John Lee Fellowship Quiz Night is looking for you! The MRC/RCOphth Fellowship fund provides for the Fellow to undertake research. The John Lee Fellowship Quiz Night annually raises funds in order for this important research to continue. Date: Friday 4th September Time: 7pm – 10pm Location: The
Cataract Commissioning Guidance
The Cataract Commissioning Guidance has been written in response to public concern that wide variations across the country in commissioning policy for the treatment of cataract is effectively creating a “postcode lottery” and may be denying or delaying access to cataract surgery to some patients who need it. The last few decades have seen a