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#RCOphth2017 just around the corner!

May 04

We look forward to welcoming all members who are attending this year’s Annual Congress to Liverpool on Monday 22 May 2017. We now have the full programme available on the College website for Monday – Wednesday with subspecialty day on Thursday following soon. An online version of the Congress app is also available, so you can find

  • 4 May 2017

Seminar Review: Ultrasound Course

Apr 26

The Ultrasound Course was a one day seminar run at the Royal College of Ophthalmologists by Mr Hatem Atta and Mr Tarek Kashab. The initial morning lectures covered basic topics including principals of ocular ultrasound, orientation and labelling of B-scans, and examination of eyes with media opacities. The late morning lectures were more advanced covering

  • 26 April 2017

Annual Congress Sponsorship Scheme

Jan 27

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists Scientific Committee and International Committee are offering up to two complementary admissions to the Annual Congress to colleagues from developing countries. The ophthalmologists (a senior trainee or consultant) will be offered free registration to the entire Congress. This will be supported by a local ‘sponsor’ (RCOphth member) who will apply

  • 27 January 2017

MPs and Peers pledge support for equal access for all eye patients to timely treatment to prevent loss of vision

Nov 10

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) hosted a successful parliamentary reception at Westminster on the 2 November.  Over 35 MPs and Peers met with members of the Royal College to learn about the demand placed on hospital eye services and the impact on patients. MPs and Peers were asked to give their pledge to support

  • 10 November 2016

VISION 2020 UK holds round table event on Certificate of Visual Impairment

Sep 20

VISION 2020 UK, the umbrella organisation which leads collaboration between organisations in the eye health and sight loss sector, has brought together senior representatives from health, social care and the voluntary sector at an event at The Royal College of Ophthalmologists in London. The round table event, chaired by Professor Carrie MacEwen, President, The Royal

  • 20 September 2016