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External stakeholders

Child vision screening resources consultation

Mar 16

The UK National Screening Committee (UK NSC) recommends school-entry screening for vision problems. Until now, however, no national resources have existed to support local authorities in commissioning and delivering high quality, consistent services. Public Health England (PHE) therefore convened a vision screening group to produce and disseminate such materials and have now released a consultation

  • 16 March 2017

New self-advocacy pilot launches to help prevent sight loss for eye patients

Mar 13

Patients are being helped to take care of their sight under a new pilot scheme to end cancelled, delayed or missed eye clinic appointments. RNIB (Royal National Institute of Blind People) is trialling a patient self-advocacy project in partnership with the Macular Society, International Glaucoma Association, and The Royal College of Ophthalmologists. Ask & Tell

  • 13 March 2017

New outpatient tariffs and the impact on ophthalmology – managing change for commissioning services

Feb 22

The RCOphth has issued a further response to the December 2016 statement on how the new outpatient tariffs place unnecessary pressure on departments to discharge patients at a time when there is no suitable community care option available. You can read the response below or alternatively download it as a pdf. What are the potential patient safety risks in

  • 22 February 2017

New bedside vision check tool from RCP to help prevent hospital inpatient falls

Jan 25

A new tool from the Royal College of Physicians (RCP), that enables ward staff to quickly assess a patient’s eyesight in order to help prevent them falling or tripping while in hospital, is being made available to trusts and local health boards in England and Wales has been made available this week. Look out! Bedside vision

  • 25 January 2017

Sightsavers recruiting consultant ophthalmologist for MTR of ‘Strengthening Pakistan’s Response to Diabetic Retinopathy’ project

Dec 08

Sightsavers are looking for a consultant ophthalmologist to undertake a mid-term review of the ‘Strengthening Pakistan’s Response to Diabetic Retinopathy’ project. To undertake this mid-term review the consultant would be working very closely with the Sightsavers Pakistan country office team as the in-country focal point, as well as with partners in the 3 institutions implementing the

  • 8 December 2016