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Three new Ophthalmic Services Guidance Chapters

Feb 07

The RCOphth aims to set standards in all aspects of the delivery of ophthalmic care in the interests of patients and the public. Three new guidance chapters have recently been updated and added to our standards publications; the guidance is intended to inform both ophthalmologists and those managing eye services. The updated chapters are: Clinical Audit

  • 7 February 2017

Philip Dunne MP responds to Parliamentary question on refractive surgery

Sep 13

On 2 September, Mrs Theresa Villiers, MP for Chipping Barnet raised the following question in Parliament, ‘What steps he [Mr Jeremy Hunt, Secretary of State for Health] is taking to ensure high quality care is provided in the refractive eye surgery sector’. The response was given by Mr Philip Dunne, Minister of State (Department of

  • 13 September 2016

Clinical Guidelines Available Online

Aug 30

The aims of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists include educating and training medical practitioners in the science and practice of ophthalmology and setting and maintaining standards for the specialty. Clinical guidelines published by other organisations, now available through the RCOphth website, are relevant to ophthalmologists and those working in the ophthalmic sector. We welcome suggestions for

  • 30 August 2016

NICE accredited guidance on commissioning glaucoma services

Jun 06

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists and Clinical Council for Eye Health Commissioning publish NICE accredited guidance on commissioning glaucoma services Clinical Commissioners are asked to review existing services against the recommendations contained in the new guidance to ensure the most cost effective and resource efficient services are available to meet demand.   The NEW Commissioning

  • 6 June 2016

Refractive Surgery Standards Consultation

Apr 28

The College has been working with some of the UK’s leading refractive surgeons, RCOphth Council members and patient and optometry representation to develop improved standards for the practice of refractive surgery in the UK. This is in response to the Keogh Report. From 27 April 2016 until 8 June 2016 the College is consulting on

  • 28 April 2016