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A week in Wolverhampton marks winning start for offsite Part 2 FRCOphth Oral Exams

Apr 09

Last week the Examinations team successfully delivered the Part 2 FRCOphth Oral Examination in Wolverhampton. With hospital eye services under increasing pressure, the College has started to look outside of the hospital clinical setting to deliver our examinations. Following a lot of logistical and organisational planning we held the oral component of our flagship Part

  • 9 April 2019

RCOphth follow up survey finds continued cataract rationing imposed by CCGs despite NICE Guidance

Apr 08

Cataract surgery is the most common operation performed, with approximately 400,000 operations delivered per year in the UK. It is one of the most cost effective and successful operations in modern healthcare. Delays or restrictions to cataract surgery for those who will benefit from the procedure can limit people’s ability to lead independent lives and

  • 8 April 2019

Update from Secretary of State for Health and Social Care on EU Exit preparations

Apr 04

The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Matt Hancock, has written to health and social care staff in the NHS providing an update on EU Exit preparations. The letter includes information on: • the rights of EU citizens to remain in the UK after it leaves the EU • the continued recognition of

  • 4 April 2019

Change to DVLA management of cases for drivers with nystagmus

Mar 15

The Secretary of State for Transport’s Honorary Medical Advisory Panel on Driving and Visual Disorders has advised that it is the visual problems associated with nystagmus that are relevant when assessing fitness to drive, not nystagmus itself. On this basis it has been decided that DVLA need not be notified of nystagmus if the visual

  • 15 March 2019

Eye Clinic Liaison Officers (ECLOs) are vital to supporting patients with sight loss

Mar 06

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists considers ECLOs as integral to meeting the needs of patients in hospital eye units  A recent study published in the BMJ1, with support and funding from the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB), has highlighted the continuing importance of Eye Clinic Liaison Officers (ECLO). ECLOs work in hospital eye

  • 6 March 2019