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Time commitment in WpBAs

When considering the time involved for trainers in carrying out the WpBAs described in this document it is important to consider the following:

  • It is the trainee’s responsibility to arrange assessments. It is not the trainer’s job to chase trainees. However, trainers must make every effort to support trainees and respond to requests for assessments in a timely manner.
  • The number of trainees involved in detailed WpBAs will be fewer than are currently in training at present. It is anticipated that 80-90 trainees per year will be involved in OST across the UK.
  • The most time intensive WpBAs are the CRS which are conducted very early on in training (mostly during Year 1). These trainees would already be under close supervision anyway.
  • Not all WpBAs need to be completed by a consultant ophthalmologist. Other trainees and health professionals can provide assessments.
  • Practical and surgical skills should already be supervised before a trainee can go solo.
  • Formal teaching sessions can be used for case based discussions.
  • Time allocated to the trainee for study can be used for assessments as they form an important part of a trainee’s learning.

With the above taken into consideration, the time involved in WpBAs need not be excessive. The modernisation agency suggest the following time allocation for WpBAs:

  • Mini-CEX (equivalent to CRS) 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for feedback
  • DOPS 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for feedback
  • CbD 20 minutes in total (for 2 cases)
  • MSF 10 minutes to complete form
  • OSATS Variable depending upon procedure, 5 minutes for feedback

Estimated total time taken for assessors per trainee each year for WpBAs:

Year of OST  Number of WpBAs Est. total time (hours) *Est. total time for consultant trainer per week (mins)
 1  16 4 4 15 12  15  15
 2  5 10 4 15 12  13.5  12
 3  1 6 10 15 12  13.8  20
 4  1 6 7 15 12  13.8  20
 5  1 6 7 15 12  13.8  20
 6  1 6 7 15 12  13.8  20
    * Based upon 60% of assessments done by consultant trainer in Y1 and Y2, 90% in Y3-6 and an average 42 week year