NEW RCOphth Quality Standards E-tool launched
To provide the best care for patients, and identify where improvements can be made, it is important to be able to measure the quality of clinical services provided. Using the RCOphth’s Quality and Safety Group’s set of self-assessment tools for clinical services, we have launched a simple electronic tool (E-tool) to help ophthalmic units assess
RCOphth Commissioning Guide for Adult Cataract Revised January 2018
The RCOphth Commissioning Guide for Adult Cataract aims to provide patients and the public, health and social care professionals, commissioners and service providers with a clear description of what constitutes a high-quality service. The guidance helps an organisation to assess its current performance against evidence-based measures of best practice and identify priorities for improvement in
The Royal College of Ophthalmologists receives new funding to support eye health workforce development
The Royal College of Ophthalmologists has received funding to develop the Ophthalmology Common Clinical Competency Framework (OCCCF) to become a reality, enabling further development of an ophthalmology-led multidisciplinary workforce to meet the increasing demands on the hospital eye service. The RCOphth will lead on this collaborative project with the Royal College of Nursing, the College
Welcome message from the new Editor-in-Chief of ‘EYE’, the scientific journal of RCOphth
On behalf of the Editorial Board of EYE, its authors and readers, I would like to thank our outgoing Editor-in Chief, Professor Andrew Lotery, who has invested significant efforts to advance the profile of EYE. I am honoured to assume the responsibilities of Editor-in-Chief of EYE. I am grateful to The Royal College of Ophthalmologists
New NICE Age Related Macular Degeneration guidance supports potential cost savings for the NHS
NHS Clinical Commissioners (NHSCC) and The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) welcome the publication today of guidance from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) which we believe can help to secure better value from the significant funds currently being spent on treating wet age related macular degeneration (AMD). In the current NHS