Resources to help you deliver safe, sustainable and efficient cataract surgery
In conjunction with the release of our Joint statement: Interim recommendations to discharge patients following routine uncomplicated cataract surgery with The College of Optometrists, we want to highlight RCOphth resources that will help members deliver safe, sustainable, and efficient cataract services. Cataract surgery is the UK’s most common elective operation, with approximately half a million
Carrie MacEwen appointed Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire

Congratulations to Professor Caroline MacEwen DBE MD FRCOphth FRCS, who has been appointed Dame Commander of the Order of the British Empire for services to Ophthalmology and Healthcare Leadership during the Covid-19 Response. Professor MacEwen is a former President of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) and former Chair of the Academy of Medical Royal
We are recruiting a Staff and Associate Specialist (SAS) Ophthalmologists Group Chair
The Staff and Associate Specialist (SAS) Ophthalmologists Group (SAS Group) is an integral to the work of the College supporting members in Staff Grade, Associate Specialist, Specialty Doctor (SAS) and other non-consultant non-training grades. It has a voice on all major College Committees to represent SAS ophthalmologists’ opinions to the College. About the role Lead
Updated virtual clinic guidance for diabetic eye screening patients
Both the College and the English NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme (DESP) have received reports that a small number of Hospital Eye Services (HESs) have been rejecting new referrals or discharging patients referred by the DESP based only on a triage of the original screening photos and/or a telephone consultation. Making a decision on whether
The National Eye Care Recovery and Transformation (NECRT) Programme: A message from President Bernie Chang
Our efforts to raise the profile of ophthalmology have begun to bear fruit. The 2021/22 Priorities and Operational Planning Guidance published in March by NHS England and NHS Improvement has for the first time prioritised eyecare services along with cardiac and musculoskeletal services. Ophthalmology clinicians involved in the programmes This work is being driven through