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2015 Duke Elder Prize Winner reflects on his trip to St John Eye Hospital, Jerusalem

Apr 13

I cannot stress my gratitude to The Royal College of Ophthalmologists and the people of St John Eye Hospital for affording me the privilege of this visit. It has been a humbling experience which has brought me far out of my comfort zone and opened my horizons – to see the potential to make a

  • 13 April 2017

Election of regional representatives to Council

Apr 11

Council members are elected by the Fellows and Members in their region on a three-year term and elections were held recently for those terms of office that were up for renewal; regional representatives can stand for a second term however. All new representatives will officially take up their posts after the AGM meeting, held at Congress

  • 11 April 2017

£3.5million funding available from the Health Foundation

Apr 07

The Health Foundation, an independent charity committed to bringing about better health and health care in the UK, has £3.5 million funding available for up to seven teams under their Scaling Up Improvement programme which supports project teams to take successful health care interventions or approaches and deliver them at scale, to improve health services in

  • 7 April 2017

GMC recruit expert witnesses in Ophthalmology

Apr 05

The GMC is currently looking to recruit expert witnesses in the field of ophthalmology to investigate complaints about the conduct or performance of medical practitioners and have issued the following letter. The GMC is looking to recruit expert witnesses in Ophthalmology. As part of our role, we rigorously investigate complaints about the conduct or performance

  • 5 April 2017

Workforce Census 2016: A picture of the size and shape of the UK ophthalmic medical workforce

Mar 30

The RCOphth, with the publication of its most recent Workforce Census 2016 report with data from 75% of hospital eye units in the UK, places another important piece of the jigsaw depicting the current state of secondary NHS ophthalmology care. The report indicates that throughout the UK, departments are struggling to provide the service required

  • 30 March 2017