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We are recruiting a Staff and Associate Specialist (SAS) Ophthalmologists Group Chair

Jun 10

The Staff and Associate Specialist (SAS) Ophthalmologists Group (SAS Group) is an integral to the work of the College supporting members in Staff Grade, Associate Specialist, Specialty Doctor (SAS) and other non-consultant non-training grades. It has a voice on all major College Committees to represent SAS ophthalmologists’ opinions to the College. About the role Lead

  • 10 June 2021

Updated virtual clinic guidance for diabetic eye screening patients

Jun 09

Both the College and the English NHS Diabetic Eye Screening Programme (DESP) have received reports that a small number of Hospital Eye Services (HESs) have been rejecting new referrals or discharging patients referred by the DESP based only on a triage of the original screening photos and/or a telephone consultation. Making a decision on whether

  • 9 June 2021

NHS England Eye Care Planning and Implementation Guidance 2021-22

Jun 02

NHS England (NHSE) has published Eyecare Planning & Implementation guidance for this financial year (2021-2022). The guidance is for NHS Regions, Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) moving to Integrated Care Systems (ICSs), and NHS Trusts (hospital eye services). Read the Eye Care Planning Implementation Guidance 2021-22 Summary Annexe This new guidance is an annexe to NHS

  • 2 June 2021

Safety Alert: Retinal vein occlusions post COVID vaccination

May 13

The College supports the delivery of safe and good quality ophthalmic services. The RCOphth responds to changing aspects of eye care delivery by developing ophthalmic safety alerts. These alerts are designed to inform members to improve the quality and safety of services they provide and are based upon: changes to drug safety updated licencing of

  • 13 May 2021

RCOphth President responds to HSIB report on lack of timely monitoring for patients with glaucoma

Jan 09

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists would like to thank the patient who was willing to participate in important investigations, such as this report carried out by the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB) despite the devastating impact on her quality of life as a result of her sight loss. The hospital investigated is not identified in

  • 9 January 2020