Communication C5

To assess a patient clinically, in OPD and elsewhere, in particular to:




Learning Outcome

  • Obtain valid consent from the patient according to GMC, national and Trust guidelines, or from the parent in the case of a minor.
  • Recognise that consent is a process that may culminate in, but is not limited to, the completion of a consent form.
  • Be aware of, and be able to respond to, the patient’s level of understanding and mental state and how this may impair their capacity for informed consent (and also that of parents, relatives or carers where appropriate).


MSF Part 2 FRCOphth 


Feedback likely from: medical staff, Allied Health Professional (nurse, optometrist, orthoptists)

Target Year of Achievement

Year 1 (annual review)

Related Learning Outcomes


  • Consider the information you need to provide to patients, their relatives and carers to allow them to have an informed opinion as to their condition and its management.
  • Consider how written information might contribute to the consent process.
  • Ensure you have the necessary knowledge to undertake a consenting process for a particular treatment.
  • Consider how you will convey the necessary information where understanding is limited.
  • Ensure you explain both the benefits and risks a particular procedure might produce, and be aware of any anxiety this may engender.
  • Understand the implications regarding patient care and consent of the Mental Capacity Act.
  • Be aware of the effects your consultation and examination may have had on the patient’s ability to take a full part in the consent process (fatigue, effects of eye drops, etc.).


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