Patient Management PM1

To assess a patient clinically, in OPD and elsewhere, in particular to:




Learning Outcome

  • Formulate a management plan based upon clinical assessment and, where appropriate, the results of relevant investigations.
  • The management plan must acknowledge relevant guidelines or protocols and justify when these have not been followed.
  • Recognise when the management plan involves a level of expertise that is beyond your own competence and where multi-professional teams are required.
  • The plan must take full account of the patient’s own choices and involve them in self-management as fully as possible.


CbD Part 1 FRCOphth Part 2 FRCOphth 


Target Year of Achievement

Year 1 (annual review)

Related Learning Outcomes



  • It is important to be able to organise your thoughts and to improve your powers of logic and decision making throughout your training; to recognise gaps in knowledge and competencies to be acquired and when they will be achieved in your training rotation.
  • It is important to be aware of guidelines and local protocols and to understand the risks and benefits of different treatment options in order to communicate them well to the patient.
  • The patients’ understanding, motivation and ability to carry out the management plan is critical to its success so make sure you know how to best involve and support the patient, their family and carers in the decision making process. Allowing them to freely question and discuss the plan, without anxiety that this will compromise their future care, is an important skill.
  • Consider the value of improving the patients’ ability to administer treatment with advice, devices or referral to other staff or agencies for further support.
  • Practise presenting cases with a formulated management plan (particularly new or difficult cases) both in the clinic situation and in meetings (‘Case-based Discussions’).


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